Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our Goals

The Palmetto Environmental Action Coalition is the state environmental network for the state of South Carolina. We meet a few times a year face to face as a group and use conference calls the remainder of the year to communicate and plan events. We show up to hearing across the state to be the voice for the environment and lobby our representatives in Columbia.

Our goals are to :
- Energize our state network to share and take action on environmental issues pertinent to South Carolina.

- Build strong statewide campaigns together to act as one voice for the environment in South Carolina.

- Facilitate communication among environmentalists and other conservation/natural resource advocate groups in SC.

- Provide resources and support to one another across the state.

- Lobby our state representatives and governor regarding environmental issues in SC.

If you would like to join the network and pitch in or call in to our monthly conference calls, please email Holly Garrett at