Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January Call : Wednesday, Jan. 18th at 9pm

Hey yall,
We will be having our first PEAC call of the year on Wednesday, January 18th at 9pm EST. The call in number is:

218-632-0550 and the passcode is 1066925#

We had a lot of great energy and momentum from the Southeast Student Renewable Energy Conference in Ashville last November, and so we are going to build off that for the new year! Dante and I have come up with some topics for the call, and they are :

1) Spring Summit....discuss location
2) Setting up meeting with Governor Haley and the Environmental Committee (legislature)
3) DHEC (Department of Health and Environmental Control) meetings
4) Revisit our conversations about a state wide campaign
5) Events throughout the year, in our local cities (listening project, church outreach)
6) An E-newletter to stay in touch, promote state wide call-in days, etc....

These are just a brainstorm we had, and certainly can prioritize them, since the call will be kept to one hour. We will have a monthly call starting with the January call, so if you can't make this one, no problem!

Please share the call info with others at your school or in your community. We'd love to have fifteen people on the call.

Call in : 218-632-0550 Passcode: 1066925#

Wednesday, January 18th at 9pm

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